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Greenfield Public School

Recommendations To Parents

  • Parents and guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities in all matters concerning formation and education of their child. Parents are to look into the school diary every evening and see to it that the lessons and home works assigned for the next day are done. Remarks made in the diary by the Principal or the teachers should be seen and countersigned.

  • Criticism of child’s teacher or his school in the presence of child should be avoided as it is likely to affect their good name.

  • If the parents have any grievance against any of the teachers, they are advised to meet the principal and settle the matter amicably.

  • We do not recommend that parents engage private tutors unnecessarily. We discourage tuitions since they may prove harmful to the real progress of the pupil and parents are to seek principal’s permission to engage the school teachers for private tuition.

  • Parents are always welcome to interview the principal to discuss the progress of their children. To consult the teachers regarding the progress of their children appointment is to be made through the Vice-Principal or the Principal for free periods of teachers or after class hours. (Appointments can also be made by telephone)

  • Please urge your wards to be regular and punctual in attendance and insist on neatness and cleanliness of their exercise books and personal appearance.

  • The guardians are not allowed to go into any class room or go upstairs without the specific permission of the school authorities.

  • Ordinarily communication with parents/guardians are made through the school diary. On the specified day of every month, the school diary should be checked by the parents and class teacher.

  • Unauthorized absence from the school / class invites disciplinary action.

  • Leave of absence is not given without a previous written application from the parents stating the reason. Such reasons as birthdays, excursions, festivals, urgent business, preparation for examination are not considered sufficient.

  • Reasons for absence due to unforeseen circumstances even if only for a day, or due to sickness which may exceed two or three days must also be stated in a letter besides being entered briefly in the regularity record under ‘Absent’.

  • If unauthorized absence exceeds 10 calendar days, the student’s name may be struck off the rolls.

  • It is mandatory for the students to attend the school on days marked “Compulsory Attendance”. Defaulters are to seek re-admission to the school. In case of sickness, notify the principal on the same day with relevant medical documents.

  • Admission of absentees to class is granted, only when they show the class teacher the Regularity Record duly counter signed by the Principal / Vice Principal.